Installfest 2020

Pavel Píša

He studied cybernetics and robotics at CTU FEE, where he currently teaches and works on projects using Linux and other processor technologies. At the same time it deals with design of firmware and electronics of laboratory and medical devices and precise servo control in PiKRON company.


QtMIPS Hands on Session to Understand Computer Architectures and Discuss Its Teaching
Pavel Píša, Karel Kočí

Interactive session with QtMIPS simulator to demonstrate and discuss teaching of the B3B35APO Computer Architectures course at FEE CTU.
* The video of the LinuxDays 2019 public introduction of the project
* LinuxDays 2019 talk abstract Presentation (PDF ), (ODP)
* GitHub project page
* Installation files
* Online version

Language Czech if there is no request to switch to English from attendees.

WS room I
Embedded Linux, FPGA and Motion Control Hands-On
Pavel Píša

The workshop will use our Debian diskless lab used for Computer Architectures courses. ARM based diskless booted education kits with Xilinx Zynq SoC are used for education. The kits combine MicroZed single-board computer (SBC) with PiKRON designed MZ_APO boards. Board design files are available at

The DC motor control kits would be available to attendee who could build a complete control loop. See the article Linux pro řízení: minimalistické řešení řízení stejnosměrného mo­toru and presentations:
* Linux, RPi and other HW for DC and Brushless/PMSM Motor Control - video
* GNU/Linux and FPGA in Real-time Control Applications - video
* GNU/Linux, CAN and CANopen in Real-time Control Applications - video

The open-source CTU CAN FD IP core would be shown as well as some other hardware as time allows all with option to test it by attendees.

Language Czech if there is no request to switch to English from attendees.

WS room I