Tomas Hrdlicka
IoT Research and Development
The LoRaWAN is a widely used low power network for the IoT sensors. In this workshop, you will learn how to install and configure private LoRaWAN infrastructure based on open source project ChirpStack (formerly LoraServer).
We will use Docker Swarm as a container platform for the deployment of the individual components of the LoRaWAN infrastructure.
Let’s build a system to monitor the environmental conditions such as temperature and humidity in a room. We will build a LoRa sensor node with DHT/BME280 sensor connected to The Things Network. To see graphs in Grafana, we will build a Node.js application reading data from MQTT and storing them in the time series database InfluxDB.
We will use Docker to run the Node.js application for forwarding data from The Things Network to InfluxDB. As Docker instances, we will run the InfluxDB and Grafana so you will be able to run the entire environment on your machine.
- You will need to have installed on your machine Docker and Docker Compose. How to install it on various platforms you can find at
- Introduction to LoRaWAN
- Build LoRa sensor node measuring temperature and humidity
- Environment monitoring with The Things Network, InfluxDB, and Grafana