03-06, 13:00–14:55 (Europe/Prague), WS room I
The last year has been challenging for the subjects which goal is to share, pass knowledge and practice in area of computer hardware to the students. We have used YouTube to provide students feedback what their programs do with real hardware. All iteration has to be solved remotely. We have tried even to equip systems with RC model servos to simulate hands on experience to manipulate with inputs etc... We provided 7 systems to for our students through remote access and 20 to lent them home. We plan to prepare more systems to be online accessible during the workshop. If there is expressed interested in advance we can setup 20 or even more boards and some bunch of cameras. The similar meeting at OpenAlt where we have put single board for hacking from wild Internet has great success. You can prepare for your turn on the MZ_APO board by listening the lecture on YouTube https://youtu.be/U3Ksx2bTrtY.
The workshop will use our Debian diskless lab used for Computer Architectures courses. ARM based diskless booted education kits with Xilinx Zynq SoC are used for education. The kits combine MicroZed single-board computer (SBC) with PiKRON designed MZ_APO boards. Board design files are available at https://gitlab.com/pikron/projects/mz_apo.
The DC motor control kits would be available to attendee who could build a complete control loop. See the article Linux pro řízení: minimalistické řešení řízení stejnosměrného motoru and presentations:
* Linux, RPi and other HW for DC and Brushless/PMSM Motor Control - video
* GNU/Linux and FPGA in Real-time Control Applications - video
* GNU/Linux, CAN and CANopen in Real-time Control Applications - video
The open-source CTU CAN FD IP core would be shown as well as some other hardware as time allows all with option to test it by attendees.
The extension of the PXMC https://pxmc.org/ motion control library to allow coordinated control of education DC motor kits is shown in the video summary of the workshop. The mentioned demo on the real robotic hardware (Rose Garden) is located on motion control related PiKRON.com page.
Language Czech if there is no request to switch to English from attendees.
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